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Uday Salunkhe – Dynamic Role of Management in Global Economy

Apr 18, 2011 | Posted by Dr. Uday Salunkhe in Faculty Talk   15 Comments »
Uday Salunkhe - Dynamic Role of Management in Global Economy

We are living in a world of sweeping changes and swift movements. In every developing civilization a period comes when old instincts and habits prove inadequate to altered stimuli, and ancient institutions and moralities crack like hampering shells under the obstinate growth of life. The type of change which has been witnessed in the realm [...]

Kanu Doshi: Importance of Effective Communication & Presentation Skills for Professionals

Apr 16, 2011 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   15 Comments »
Kanu Doshi: Importance of Effective Communication & Presentation Skills for Professionals

Excellence is not everything in life… it is the only thing! Great speakers are not born, they’re trained. – Dale Carnegie Communication is really all anyone ever gets paid for …and if you cannot effectively communicate… you will PAY…not get paid…. -Dough Firebaugh If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: [...]

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