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The importance of executive education in a manager’s career growth …

Jun 12, 2012 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   No Comments »
The importance of executive education in a manager’s career growth ...

“Select a  specialized course that is in sync with your aspirations, compliments your skills and competencies that will help you to move into a senior management role” .explains Dr Uday Salunkhe,Group Director -WeSchool. 1.How are executive education programmes different from the regular MBA programme? While MBA is a more general programme, executive education is geared [...]

‘Leadership in education’, in the latest issue of Samvad…

Jun 12, 2012 | Posted by admin in Student's Speak   No Comments »
 ‘Leadership in education’, in the latest issue of Samvad...

With three successful editions Samvad no longer needs any introduction. The laurels that Samvad has been showered have proved that it has the potential to stand out amongst the likes of college magazines. The month of May was significant for all MBA graduates. While few students were making a mark in the corporate world for [...]

Innovators with an Ecological Perspective…Dr Uday Salunkhe,Group Director-WeSchool shares his thoughts on Environment Day

Jun 05, 2012 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   No Comments »
Innovators with an Ecological Perspective...Dr Uday Salunkhe,Group Director-WeSchool shares his thoughts on Environment Day

Innovation and Eco-responsibility Once Gandhiji was asked if he wished to see India reach the level of prosperity of Britain, he said, “It took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve this prosperity. How many planets will a country like India require?” Perhaps the great man had an inkling of things to follow. [...]

Become a change leader with the vision to transform lives in grassroot communities Advises Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director -WeSchool

May 25, 2012 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   No Comments »
Become a change leader with the vision to transform lives in grassroot communities  Advises Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director -WeSchool

1. What advice will you give to young MBA aspirants trying to decide on a career in Rural Management today? Today there is an increasing need for greater synergy between management and agricultural education. Agricultural studies also include development of the entrepreneurial skills of the students in areas such as agri-business management, post-harvest technologies and [...]

Challenges on the Path of Progress for Family Businesses in India

May 19, 2012 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »
Challenges on the Path of Progress for Family Businesses in India

India is one of the leading countries in entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. It is apparent from the fact that almost 80% of Indian businesses are either entrepreneur driven or family-owned-and-managed. Predominantly small and medium in size, these businesses are the backbone of Indian economy with considerable contribution to GDP. They generate huge employment in the [...]

A fresh edition of SAMVAD for the discerning readers…

May 15, 2012 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »
A fresh edition of SAMVAD  for the discerning readers...

  With two successful editions Samvad no longer needs any introduction. The laurels that Samvad has been showered have proved that it has the potential to stand out amongst the likes of college magazines. The month of April was significant for all MBA graduates. While few of the First years had their examinations, others were [...]

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