Posts Tagged With 'Rural Management'

Rural Realm Alumni Conclave 2022

Rural Realm Alumni Conclave 2022

Dec 06, 2022 | Posted by admin in Alumni Corner, Events & Happenings   No Comments »

WeSchool’s Rural Management Program had organised an Alumni Conclave 2022 on 26th November 2022 in the Mumbai campus. The theme for the conclave was “Envisaging Future Rural Business Leaders”. The objective of the conclave was to understand what a rural manager in an emerging economy should be familiar with, new business models as well as [...]

Lifting the rural sector to the top of the pyramid ... WeSchool shows the way at AuRum 2013...

Lifting the rural sector to the top of the pyramid … WeSchool shows the way at AuRum 2013…

Oct 29, 2013 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

“Go Rural, Solve community’s problems through industry” “Sow seeds of education and vocation” “Have patience and time to understand the rural people” AuRuM 2013 Prof Anuja Agarwal Head ,PGDM Rural Management(Emerging Economies)  welcomed the members from industry and academia to the roundtable conference . Students of PGDM-Rural Management (Emerging Economies) set the context through a [...]

Become a change leader with the vision to transform lives in grassroot communities  Advises Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director -WeSchool

Become a change leader with the vision to transform lives in grassroot communities Advises Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director -WeSchool

May 25, 2012 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   No Comments »

1. What advice will you give to young MBA aspirants trying to decide on a career in Rural Management today? Today there is an increasing need for greater synergy between management and agricultural education. Agricultural studies also include development of the entrepreneurial skills of the students in areas such as agri-business management, post-harvest technologies and [...]

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