Archive for November, 2019

Indian Constitution Day observed on campus

Nov 29, 2019 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

26 November 2019 was observed on WeSchool campus as the ‘Indian Constitution day’ and ‘Samvidhan Diwas’. WeSchool faculty, staff and students, virtually joined the nation in attending the live parliament function at its central hall broadcast with both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha members in the widely covered event on national television and across media for the first time. [...]

London Alumni Meet 2019

London Alumni Meet 2019

Nov 27, 2019 | Posted by admin in Alumni Corner, Events & Happenings   No Comments »

The WE alumni as we know are doing great work as senior professionals, leadership and entreprenuers too. Out there, they are keeping us proud. WE keep reconnecting with alumni circle as our circle of WE influence. The recent international meet took place at Farzi Café London (London, United Kingdom). Here are a few glimpses…

WeSchool Reunion for alumni from full-time PGDM and MMS program

WeSchool Reunion for alumni from full-time PGDM and MMS program

Reminiscing the old memories on campus and reconnecting with fellow batchmates was the recently held WeSchool reunion meet.  The WE alumni meet was held on a weekend – Saturday, 16th November 2019 at South Bombay Bar Worli. Alumni from across programs poured in from across batches – as old as 1985 and as young as [...]

WeSchool honoured with AICTE-CII indpact award for best industry-linked institute for management (established).

WeSchool honoured with AICTE-CII indpact award for best industry-linked institute for management (established).

Nov 19, 2019 | Posted by admin in Achievements, Events & Happenings   No Comments »

WeSchool was honoured with the AICTE-CII IndPact Award for Best Industry-Linked Institute for Management (Established) at the education summit celebrating industry-academia collaborations on 14 November 2019, at AICTE Headquarters, New Delhi. The award is an outcome of AICTE-CII Survey of Industry-linked Technical Institutes 2019 from across 9,000 institutes. Only 3000 Institutes were shortlisted after a [...]

A Marketing Intern At Pentation Analytics – Summer Saga 2019 by Reshma Xavier, PGDM Business Design 2018-2020 batch, shares tips on how to crack your summer internship on

Nov 06, 2019 | Posted by admin in Student Achievements, Student's Speak   No Comments »

I am Reshma Xavier (2nd year MBA of Welingkar Institute of Management & Research)   Like every MBA student, even I was super excited about my Summer Internship. As you all know Summer Internship is the gateway for PPO (Pre-Placement Offer).   So as my 1st year of MBA started, we were briefed about the [...]

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