Strategic Plug-Ins:3 quick starters for corporate success

Jul 04, 2022 | Posted by Dr Rutu Gujarathi in Faculty Talk   No Comments »

Success in one’s professional career calls for a pragmatic, disciplined and strategic journey towards building oneself. From beginning of the career journey till the finish, you have to undertake your travel along with others, yet be focused on self-destination. Your journey to a successful corporate career will start from the time you are willing to invest time, resources and efforts in yourself. So get on-board and make the strategic plug-ins to a successful corporate career journey.

Map your journey

It is said that ‘It’s easier to reach your desired destination, if you know your destination’. Knowing where you wish to go, makes a difficult and boring journey, focused and enjoyable. Mapping your current position and envisioning the next destination, guides your career milestones. Chances of an engineering graduate moving from shop-floor to the management role could be quicker when right direction and requisite inputs are given to the career decisions keeping in mind the desired destination. So create your unique-to-self map of your career milestones, destinations and time frame within which to reach.

Plot yourself

Once your career map is ready, plot your areas of strength, improvement, your career goals and aspirations. This helps you get the real picture for benchmarking yourself with the trends of the market. Regular benchmarking exercises will keep you relevant and many a times, ahead of the curve. For example, technology is the biggest enabler but is very dynamic, therefore timely upgradation of required knowledge and skill sets becomes the need of the hour.  So work continuously on your skills, knowledge and habits to stay on course.

Have anchors –

Wealth of the 21st century, thy name is Network. To be surrounded by mentors, fellows and advocates who can guide, assist or recommend you is an important plug-in. This honest pool of individuals will help build your position of strength when required, as well as give honest feedback on your areas of improvement. There are many corporate stories where recommendation from ex-boss gets an employee not just a job but one with a higher package in the new company. The hint that ‘the time is not right to change your company, stay-put where you are’, advice from a senior colleague, goes a long way in career decisions. LinkedIn testimonials, recommendation letters etc. are all fruits you bear by cultivating a rich ‘network’ of mentors, fellows and advocates.

Summing it up

It takes more than hard work to stay in the corporate world of today. Having an unbiased performance measurement for self will help you channelize your efforts towards ‘smart work’ that is seen and acknowledged. Finally, let’s understand that individuals make a department, departments make an organization, organizations together make an industry and industries together make an ecosystem. Having these plug-ins early-on will guide you through your journey in the corporate world.

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