Industry Insights from WeSchool Alumni

Dec 15, 2017 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

WeSchool alumni across programs Healthcare, Business Design, Human Resources, E-biz had an interactive session with students. The Alumni threw light on present-day challenges faced by the industry. They emphasised the relevance of skills in time management. The Alumni agreed that good quality projects improve C.V. strength.

Healthcare Program Alumni elaborated about on-ground challenges in the Healthcare Industry vis-à-vis career choices








WeSchool Finance Alumni shared their industry experience and best ways to keep up with the dynamic finance markets











Business Design Alumni discussed careers opportunities and profiles in the Design Industry. They shared how Business Design as a program has refined their skills.






E-biz Alumni shared industry insights on IT & Analytics with our current batch of students








WeSchool HR Alumni shared industry insights on the different career options within the HR sector, how they can bring out the change in an organisation with the current batch of students.






The meet-ups concluded with the alumni urging students to look beyond traditional job roles and wishing them the best in their future endeavours.


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