WeSchool commemorates Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti by advocating ‘Swachh Samaaj and Samruddhh Samaj

Oct 03, 2018 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner, Events & Happenings   No Comments »

The 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi ji was celebrated with fervour and pride on WeSchool campus.  With sustainability as the central theme for the academic year, WeSchool students led by Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool and Dr. G., Dean –Operations, WeSchool advocated the Gandhian value of cleanliness by beginning with self.

Following the footsteps of Gandhi ji, students on WeSchool clean the campus

On 2nd October, the poster/video making competition captured the thoughts of the young generation through engaging visuals and sketches on the theme “Gandhiji as CEO” and “Managerial teachings by Gandhiji”. A thematic display of books on life of Gandhiji and various inspirations drawn from his exemplary life were available for book enthusiasts on campus.

The WeSchool team ‘Parivartan’ also won at Mumbai University New Initiative for Action Now (MUNIJAN 2018) for proposing a backyard composting project of 7000 kgs waste in two months. Their unique proposition to include 25 college campus waste  through three C’s – collect, collaborate, compost and inclusion of social media campaign #TheCompostChallenge won appreciation from the jury.

Addressing the students, Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool, said “You are the future managers and entrepreneurs of the Young India. Taking a leaf from the examples set by Gandhi ji, you as active youngistans should campaign for community service throughout the year. Your personal contribution to the nation’s progress that resonates with the Mahatma Gandhi’s  teaching of ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ will encourage many to begin with the new ‘I’.”


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