Himanshu Kapadia: To all the Wonderful Teachers at WeSchool

Sep 05, 2011 | Posted by admin in Testimonials   1 Comment »

“Guru Govind dono khade, Kako lagun paay?

Balihari Gurdev ki, Govind diyo batay”

Himanshu Kapadia

Himanshu Kapadia

Right from our childhood, the first real personalities apart from family away from home who  influence the way we think and behave are our teachers. They mould our characters and influence the knowledge, skills and attitudes we possess. I am extremely lucky and grateful to have had these extraordinary people in my life at WeSchool who I have the privilege of calling my teachers.

From my teachers at WeSchool, I’ve learnt that the world around us may not always be just and fair; but  for every con, there exists a pro, for every selfish person there is a loving  friend  and  talent may not always meet with recognition however the experience would make me richer with the virtue of patience. Our teachers at WeSchool have personally exemplified that ‘You need talent to recognize talent.’

I’ve learnt  some invaluable life lessons from them  including  the importance of quiet  laughter or to have faith in our own ideas & abilities above all the courage of conviction that too in the face of intense criticsm  . They have instilled  in us the courage to be impatient with evil and the fact that compared to ill-gotten success, failure is far more honorable and yes it is remains a fact even in business landscape and pays off too.

Teachers are some of the greatest people who we meet   in our lives. They are not only the selfless givers but also the mentors of our life. At every step of our life, we come across teachers who devote their entire life shaping  the future of their students. Their mark on our lives is indelible and place irreplaceable . A teacher ‘s significance  cannot be wrapped in words and cannot be confined to limits of academia. Anyone who guides you   with your good in mind is a teacher. Many a time we feel like thanking  our teacher but  do not get  a proper occasion.

This Teachers’ Day let us commemorate our teachers’ efforts and thank them for being the guiding light in our lives. To all the wonderful teachers at WeSchool, we want you to know that we’re eternally grateful and that you make our lives special just by being here for us ! us! Happy Teacher’s Day!

One Response to “Himanshu Kapadia: To all the Wonderful Teachers at WeSchool”

  1. I love your site, I visit all the time and I must say you have good writing skills.

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