Students in far-flung locations can now leverage a platform to learn practical applications from a diversity of industry experts across India

Dec 02, 2016 | Posted by admin in Alumni Corner   No Comments »

Students in far-flung locations  can now leverage a platform to learn practical applications from a diversity of industry experts across India.

WeBind bridges the campus-corporate-society gap by delivering the real world inside classrooms across India.

WeBind, an Ed-Tech startup founded by engineering & management professionals connects every subject taught in classrooms to its purpose & career in the real world. It is a platform where students understand the applications of various theorems, formulae, and theoretical concepts. The Indian education system that  is often  seen as being  out-dated and too theoretical, can now rely on this platform to keep pace with industry working, latest technology and match the expectation of employers from MNCs to startups.

The ever rising unemployability graph of Indian graduates has been attributed by researchers to factors like the lack of practical approach due to the disconnect between industry-government-academia. Besides, students from non-IIT colleges feel deprived of opportunities and channels to understand the technology, management strategies and the thought processes of top companies as well as startups that are hiring these graduates.

This is where WeBind comes in.

WeBind leverages technology to solve this problem at a scale. Multiple colleges can now get connected to industry leaders via a series of cloud-based web-cast sessions called -‘Master-Class’ , a name coined by the students themselves. WeBind hosts such Master-Classes that are delivered by experts from top companies like Facebook, EU Space Agency, LinkedIn, Clover Infotech and tech startups like Zepo, Fynd, Leaf Wearable & Ather Energy among others.

“We have created a web application based communication channel for teachers & students to interact with the industry stalwarts from various domains having all three  stakeholders inter-connected on the same platform. This application allows teachers/faculty to invite any expert from any location for a Master-Class on the desired topic and the students can directly pitch their ideas/ share doubts with the industry leaders using their own dashboard. Students also get an acknowledgment in the form of auto-generated certificate for attending such exclusive sessions from WeBind ”, says Abul Rajani, Co-Founder and Head of New Product Development at WeBind and Alumni of WeSchool  , PGDM 2013-15 Batch. 

Thus students in a college in Baramulla and Kottayam can interact with an engineer from Emirates in Dubai or those in Jaipur can learn from a product manager at Myntra in Mumbai. College professors can register themselves and select or request for various topics that he/she teaches while Professionals can create a profile on WeBind of their skills and talents they want to share with students. “It actually helps democratize the opportunities and flow of practical knowledge from top to the bottom of the pyramid” says an academic who attended a Master-Class on ‘Digital Marketing’ by Manveer Singh Malhi, Digital Head at iGenero.

With over 300+ colleges, 70+ sessions & touching lives of 40,000+ students, WeBind aims to be the window for both the campus and corporate. “We are the umbilical cord for students, connecting them to opportunities and ideas beyond classrooms. Imagine an educational set-up wherein after studying about algorithms from books, the students learn how & what algorithms are used in search functionality of LinkedIn, by an engineer from the company itself” ,  quips A.Samad Murghay, Co-founder & Head of Master Relations at WeBind.

Every college with basic infrastructure like internet, laptop & projector can sign up for being ‘WeBind Enabled Classrooms’. This subscription based model, with the cost as low as INR 10/- per student p.a. resonates with educators cutting across all diversities in India.

WeBind has no competitor is a fact that adds to its advantage. The startup plans to add workshops delivered by professionally qualified industry experts which will be pocket-friendly and accessible even in the remotest of places in India.  The team is excited about its Artificial Intelligence based bot, which handholds a student throughout its journey from first lecture in college to the first day at his dream company. The move is aimed at changing the perspective of learning a subject from grade based to innovation and more accented towards being career based.

“The AI based companion will make it very easy for students to make a daily or weekly chart in order to achieve their dream of being a software engineer at Airbus or marketing head at ITC. Youth now have dreams but do not have a detailed plan or daily target based roadmap to realize the dream. We are doing just that”, informs Abul.

“WeBind connects subject specific industry experts live into the classrooms. Here, we take up subject/topic from the curriculum and bring it to life, by inviting relevant industry stalwart to deliver a Master-Class. It works on One-to-Many model, where educational institutions across India participate in the Web-Cast hosted by WeBind. Having inspired & touched lives of more than 40,000 students from 300+distinct Institutions of India, WeBind has considerably positioned itself well in the campuses as a catalyst for bridging the campus-corporate gap.  All this is done on economies of scale keeping the cost as low as*INR 10 for annual subscription”, he adds with a note of hope, accomplishment and optimism in his voice.

About WeBind: A bootstrapped organization with a very small initial capital , WeBind started its operation this January and currently we have a team of 15 members and we are   growing. The organization plans to launch the AI based platform by the new academic year.



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