Short Term Training Programme (Sttp), I2we-6 Day Leadership Development Program

Jan 30, 2023 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

A six-day Short Term Training Program “i2We – 6 day Leadership Development Program comprised of interactive workshop session, experiential learning, peer learning. The main focus of STTP was to encompass leadership across levels in the institution and to identify and develop depth and readiness of future leaders amongst the community of talented academicians, administrators & professionals.



The Chief Guest was Padmashree Prof. Jagdish Seth, Dr. R. Nandagopal, Director General, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, President AIMS, Dr G K Shirude, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji University, Mr G. P. Garg, Executive Director SEBI, Dr S.S Mantha, Ex AICTE Chairman, Dr Suhas Pednekar, Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai

From L- R-Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe( Group Director, WeSchool), Dr. R. Nandagopal, Dr. D. Y. Patil, Dr. G. K. Shirude



Panel Discussion Sessions were Future of Management education: Role of leadership,  Experiential Learning where ‘DOMINO’S TOWER’ Activity and ‘MINEFIELD’ was conducted . There were sessions on Leadership and how institutional goals can be achieved by imbibing these qualities in us- Importance of interdependence and alertness. Experts also suggested that situational leadership must be inculcated in the culture of the organization which depends on two factors

The topic of Appreciative Inquiry was also touched upon. This was about trying to find out the best in the people, the organization and also the external world around them. This is termed as a co revolutionary process which was done by Experiential Learning Activity .

Along with Shri Garg, Executive Director SEBI



Panel discussion of “Ask Me Anything” & Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset along with ‘Technology and its impact on higher education-Role of faculty members’ showcased & focused on Categories of AI: ANI: Artificial Narrow Intelligence, AGI: Artificial General Intelligence, ASI: Artificial Super Intelligence. What is changing with technology? Singularity.


From L-R- Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Prof Dr Vijay Khole, Prof. (Dr) S. S Mantha, Prof. (Dr) Suhas Pednekar

Implications from Generative AI/Chat GPT .  Implication on Class Structure

The world is changing fast due to AI and emerging technologies. Institute needs to embrace AI than banning it. Students needs to learn to use AI, prompt engineering.



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