Preparing for Job Interviews- Some tips!!

Oct 30, 2012 | Posted by admin in Faculty Talk   No Comments »

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”- Confucius

As the Second year students are nearing  completion of their PGDM course of different programs, it’s time for dream companies to visit the campus.

In today’s ultracompetitive and uncompromising job market, it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview but one can prepare answers to common questions, trends and some unusual /tough questions.

This is the real ‘Make or Break’ career defining time after the rigorous two years of the MBA grind. As dream, companies visit the campus, your friends become your competitors, and you would wonder as to how to get that ‘break’ before others do.

Prepare for interviews, structure your answers, and PRACTICE is the key. It is very important to know what to say or what not to say during an interview, how to maintain you calm are some important points to be kept in mind during the interview.

Regardless of your field, these tips will come handy.

Pre /Interview Preparations:

I. Research:Try to know as much about the company, which is planning/likely to visit the campus. Its products, promoters, top management or recent news. This will show that you are really interested in the company.

II. Rehearse:Role-plays/ dress rehearsals, preparation to the answers of FAQs will help you to be more confident during the interview.

III. Dress appropriately:Please be careful about what type of image you want to project about yourself to the interviewer, your dressing style and your behavioral traits should match with the image you are projecting.

IV. Highlight :Your relevant skills and experience with concise, compelling, and well-structured answers, Summarize your project / internship with some learning outcomes.

V.  Address: Without apologizing, your weak spots or period of extended unemployment in your resume, if asked.

VI. Identify and highlight :Your knowledge/ skills you have gained during this duration. Highlight academic achievements/ co-curricular contributions you made.

VII. Body language: is as important as verbal communication. Be confident, enthusiastic. Look for cues like eye contact, posture, hand movements etc.

VIII. Social media posts:Be careful about what you post on Social media before and after the placement period. To know more about individuals and their behavior on social media, some companies do check prospects wall posts.  It is better to follow this practice not only before and after placement period but otherwise also, it’s better to maintain some social etiquettes and refrain yourself from embarrassing situations.

IX.Preparation: Prepare well on concepts, To solve- unexpected questions/scenarios/ case studies. Under such circumstances,  demonstrate quick thinking, poise, creativity, and even  some  sense of humor will also help.

Some FAQs:

  • How would you describe yourself/ Tell me about yourself?
  • How do you determine or evaluate success?
  • What academic subjects did you like best?  Least ?
  • What personal characteristics are necessary for succeeding in the career that you are interested in ?
  • What is your philosophy of life ?
  • Why have you switched career fields ?
  • What have you learnt from your mistakes?
  • What do you consider your greatest weakness /strength?
  • In what way do you think you can contribute to society?
  • Why should we take you? or Why should we take you over another candidate ?
  • What part does your family play in your life?
  • What is more important to you: money offered, or the type of job?
  • What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
  • Do you prefer working with others or all by yourself?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals and objectives? What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?
  • How has your education prepared you for a career?
  • Do you think grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?
  • How has your college experience prepared you for this job?
  • What do you expect to earn in 5 years?
  • What do you do with your free time? What are your hobbies?
  • What types of books do you read?
  • If you were taking a graduate for this institute, what qualities would you look for?
  • What causes you to lose your temper? Have you ever had trouble with other people on the job ?
  • How does your family like you being away on business trips?
  • Describe the most disappointing and frustrating experience in gaining the support of others for an idea or proposal.
  • Describe a time when you felt most frustrated or discouraged in reaching your goals or objectives.
  • Describe the most extensive planning that you have ever done.
  • Tell me about the last time you made a decision that backfired.
  • Tell me about the last significant crisis that you faced in your work.


Contributed by :

Prof. Indu Mehta, Associate Professor-Marketing,

Email :

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