Mindful Revolution – The most powerful approach to unleashing productivity, performance & innovation



Ways to achieve a mindful revolution: -

Design thinking

WeSchool has developed pioneering academic programs like Business Design, E-Biz, Family Managed Business, Retail, Healthcare, and Rural Management putting ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Innovation’ at its core. At the heart of our philosophy the young Global citizen managers stepping out of the portals of WeSchool  are equipped to adapt a multi-disciplinary approach,collaborate with all stakeholders with empathy and deep sensitivity to devise  sustainable solution for economical, social and environmental success.

WeSchool’s initiation

MIT scholar brainstorms with students about Design thinking

The session was in tandem with WeSchool’s focus on design thinking. It concurs with their constant effort to guide its students to break out of the conventional framework and to come up with pragmatic innovations for socio economic needs. Understanding the intricacies of the complexly drawn up economy has helped WeSchool to transform itself into a b-school with design thinking at its core.

Global Citizen Leaders

In today’s turbulent times when leaders manage multi-ethnic teams located  in different geographical areas,one will not only have to get accustomed to working across diverse cultures, geopolitical boundaries but will also have to do a tightrope walk of carrying them all together to meet the self-directed -organizational-societal goals. The ambiguous environment that the world is in at present times, demands today’s leaders to be more flexible, more agile, work with creative and innovative mindsets .In the times of crisis when employees may tend to grow insecure, fearful and skeptical, it is up to the leaders to motivate and inspire their teams to achieve greater heights for themselves, their organizations, for their country and the world.

WeSchool’s initiation

WeSchool is collaborating with the best in the business, to learn how to prepare the ‘ Global Citizen Manager ‘ of today and tomorrow. Centre for Creative leadership (CCL), a US based organization in the space of leadership development and Design Impact, a non-profit design firm Joined hands with WeSchool recently to create an unusual program aptly titled ’Leadership Beyond Boundaries’ that has a blend of innovation and leadership development. Educators are in the know of the kind of moral decisions that engage students and the kind that are encountered regularly are not always clear-cut. Most decisions require choices among competing values.

Features of a Creative leader

Proactive – A creative leader is forward looking. He/She looks out for potential challenges & opportunities and can see invisible things others miss. He/she accepts personal responsibility for the group, give credit to the team for success but accepts blame for failures.

Mentors – Makes people development a priority and wastes no opportunity to improve the skills of the group. He or she constantly evaluates the skill sets of team members and provides them with specific and corrective feedback.

Inspires and motivate to a high performance – The creative leaders establish a clear vision, set stretch goals with their teams, engage in highly collaborative behaviour and encourage them to be more innovative. Make Collaboration, co-creation and network thinking high on the list of priorities.

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