International Yoga Day celebrated at WeSchool







With seven to seventy year olds joining in, International Yoga Day celebration at WeSchool was marked with great enthusiasm and national spirit

On June 21, 2015 Welingkar celebrated the International Yoga Day with their students, faculty and staff members at the their campus in Matunga. The team at WeSchool, got together on a Sunday morning to relive the joy of life and join hands in making life peaceful for ourselves and others. With PM Modi taking center-stage by leading the Global Yoga event with more than 30,000 participants at Rajpath , Prof Kaustubh Dhargalkar, Head-InnoWe,a lifelong Yoga practitioner , familiarized all participants in the finer aspects of the ancient Indian philosophy as he guided  them through the various Asanas and Breathing techniques during the one hour session at WeSchool.

With millions of people discovering the benefits of Yoga which include fitness and physical well-being but more importantly, inner peace and mental balance;B schools across the globe are also appreciating the value of Yoga in the stressful lives of students. Harvard Business School, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and even MIT’s Sloan School of Management are strong advocates of Yoga and Yoga clubs which promote the benefits of Yoga. WeSchool has also set aside a large hall called Nirvana and appointed professionally trained teachers for students, faculty and staff to make Yoga a part of their lifestyle,for developing a balanced mind, body and soul and it has become an integral part of WeSchool’s learning environment for the last 15 years.

Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director WeSchool,a Yoga practitioner as well as sports and adventure enthusiast himself , said,” Yoga is very important to have a balanced lifestyle, it has proved to immensely improve creativity, memory, receptivity, willpower and behaviour in students. It equips one to handle oneself well in all life situations and learn the art of facing the dualities of life with equanimity. I believe Yoga is an excellent tool for a balanced approach to managing “Self-Organization-Society” and at WeSchool we believe in building our students as competent professionals who can transform organizations while transforming themselves.”

WeSchool had  also specially invited friends with spinal cord injury from NINA Foundation,which has been a part of WeSchool’s extended family for several years. NINA foundation is an NGO which is involved in creating awareness as well as support systems for people who are suffering from spinal cord injuries. Dr Ketna Mehta, Associate Dean Research at Weschool and  founder of NINA Foundation,  asserted  “Yoga is excellent for persons with spinal cord injuries, especially for managing blood pressure issues”.

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