How messed up can my nation get … Giftson Jeyakumar questions…

Jan 10, 2013 | Posted by admin in Student's Speak   1 Comment »

” How messed up can my nation get?”

A Poem by Giftson Jeyakumar,PGDM ( E Biz ) 2012-14


How messed up can my nation get? How lost in despair?
From a land that taught the world “Peace”, to a land where sorrows are shared.
From a land that gave the world it’s “Religions”, to a land where women are scared. 

We respected them, we looked up to them as goddesses,
I don’t understand why today we look at them as something less?

A brother could sleep in peace,
Knowing through the night his sister won’t be harmed.
Today he lives on a prayer,
Cause you can’t predict the coming of the storm.

We are nation young and resilient.
But without God this shall be our predicament!
We can have a million resolutions,
But what we need today is a God Revolution.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
Probably that is what holds the key to our freedom.

This New Year I make a wish,
Let my nation awaken to the place where true freedom exists,
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high,
Where women are respected and the men stand by their side.

Till then I continue to wonder,
How messed up can my nation get? How lost in despair?
From a land that taught the world “Peace”, To a land that where sorrows are shared.

One Response to “How messed up can my nation get … Giftson Jeyakumar questions…”

  1. Amarkant Jain says:

    Dear Giftson…u r a truly ‘gifted son’….felt proud after reading your poem….staright from the heart…stay blessed…always

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