GLOBAL SERVICE JAM is back at WeSchool …

Feb 27, 2013 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »
Dear All,

Its really exciting to me to share with you that WeSchool Mumbai is organizing the International Global Service Jam 2013 on March 1,2 and 3.  Like a music Jam, the participants would be solving a global Service Design problem through idea generation Jam! We have designers, management professionals and students participating in this event. Mark from Australia and Arne from Netherlands , both designers would mentor the teams along with Indian design mentors. There is a design team from Scotland who would jam with us on-line!  Its not about competition but the spirit of Service Design.

Inline image 1 

Anand James Dev
Business Design

Service Jam Matunga Team

Weschool Business Design


fun with service design

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