Financial acumen for Business Managers at WeSchool

Sep 12, 2014 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

Business Managers of Writer Corporation attend MDP on ‘Financial acumen for Business Managers’ at WeSchool

Ms. Anuradha Badhwar (Chief Human Resources Officer, Writer Corporation) inaugurated a 2-day MDP titled ‘Financial acumen for Business Managers’ on 7th August 2014 at WeSchool MDC for business and other senior managers of Writer Safeguard Pvt. Ltd. (WSG)- a division

Prof. Dr. Sapna Mallya, Prof. Dr. Suniti Nagpurkar, Ms. Anuradha Badhwar and Prof. Dr. V. H. Iyer

Other dignitaries present on the occasion included Mr. Aby Koshy John (GM-HR, Writer Corporation), Prof. Dr. V. H. Iyer (Dean- MDC) and Prof. Dr. Savitri Kulkarni (Associate Dean- MDC).

The objective of the program was to improve productivity and cost management in their operations. The MDP was received well. The program was customized for them with the efforts of HR, Business Heads as well as their CFO, Mr. Sushil Sancheti  of Writer Corporation, Mumbai which specializes in logistics and CMS. This is their first program with WeSchool.


Report by: Prof. Sharad P. Nileshwar- Head Industry Interface (MDC)


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