Faculty Development Program, The elephant in the room – Chat GPT

Mar 23, 2023 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

Faculty Development Program on ‘The elephant in the room – Chat GPT’. Was conducted in Welingkar Institute, Mumbai Campus by

Ms Anette Strömberg, Senior Lecturer and Mr Christer Nygren Lecturer, Mr Bengt Gustafsson Lecturer,  School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Division of Innovation Management , Malardalen University, Sweden

The main contents of the Faculty Development Program were centered on the topics –

  • Open AI
  • How does it work?
  • Transparency
  • Microsoft, Bing, MS Office.

The use of AI and ChatGPT . with practical examples on using ChatGPT

  • As a translation tool
  • Testing AI capabilities
  • Using for quick literature review.

Various aspects on the topic such as violating the content policy while using ChatGPT as a translation tool, its ability / lack of ability to experience emotions having an impact on the ability to judge different kinds of data, and the use of ChatGPT in literature review were discussed.


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