Chinese Executive MBA students from Euromed Management, Marseilles hosted by WeSchool

Jan 30, 2013 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

Management students from Euromed Management- School of Management & Business, a leading French business school got  a first-hand experience of Indian corporate world under the ‘Destination India’ Program organized by WeSchool recently  . With prestigious international accreditations  like EQUIS ,AMBA, and the AACSB, Euromed is among the top 30 European Business Schools with large campuses in Marseille and Shanghai.

Today with companies competing globally, management aspirants need to learn about the business ethos and ethics of not just one country but many countries. While China continues to drive the students’ growth in USA and UK, with India’s growing importance in the world business market, it’s imperative for   zealous management students to get attracted to India to understand the diversity of  know-how and experiences offered by the market economy in India.  The ‘Destination India’ program at WeSchool is designed to offer precisely the much needed experiences to foreign students across the board. WeSchool hosted a team of   about 19 Chinese and 5 French Executive MBA students during their visit to Mumbai from January 20 to 26, 2013., where they attended  a program familiarizing and understanding the Indian business scenarios through a diverse set of sessions by WeSchool faculty and industry experts on Marketing, Retail , Economic Perspectives and Future Outlook, Geopolitics , Finance  and  Role of Religion in Business. Industry visits: L&T, APMC,LINTAS MEDIA group were  also arranged to give them an overall perspective of Indian business and corporate scene.

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