While to world was busy celebrating the Women’s day,there was one woman quietly busy giving finishing touches to the field outing she had arranged for some very special people on the next day . Prof ( Dr ) Ketna Mehta currently serving as Editor and Associate Dean, Research at WeSchool has been working incessantly to [...]

Prof Ketna Mehta,Associate Dean- Research,arranges a spiritual journey for people with spinal injury

‘Safe Women Safe Nation’ conducted by WeSchool concluded with actionable takeaways
Safeguard today’s women to build a better tomorrow Dr Rajan Welukar, Vice –Chancellor of University of Mumbai, Flavia Agnes- Women’s rights Activist-lawyer, Mona Cheriyan-HR Director- and member of the Advisory Board of ASK Investment Managers Pvt Ltd, Dolly Thakore- Theater director, actress and communication consultant and Praveen Salunkhe, Additional Commissioner of Police (Central Region, Mumbai) [...]

We Link and We Care…
Blood donation drive at the WeSchool campus on Feb 27,2013 “ Charity begins at home “ said the young MMS students from team NIRVANA ,after successfully completing the blood donation drive at the Weschool campus that managed to collect 165 bags of blood for the blood starved city of Mumbai. According to recent studies, Mumbai [...]

An explosion of ideas begins at The Global Service Jam at WeSchool…
The Global Service Jam , a global event that sees participation from over 106 venues across the globe began at WeSchool on 1st March… Service Design addresses customers, infrastructure, communication, material components of a service. It aims at improving quality of the service and the interaction between service provider and customer more fruitful and satisfying. [...]
GLOBAL SERVICE JAM is back at WeSchool …
Dear All, Its really exciting to me to share with you that WeSchool Mumbai is organizing the International Global Service Jam 2013 on March 1,2 and 3. Like a music Jam, the participants would be solving a global Service Design problem through idea generation Jam! We have designers, management professionals and students participating in this [...]

Safe Women, Safe Nation : A programme to find opportunities for change for safety of women through gender sensitization
Violence against women is no longer a ‘technical term’, it’s a reality of our everyday lives… A programme to find opportunities for change for safety of women through gender sensitization at Welingkar Institute of Management Education & Research (WeSchool) on 26th Feb 2013 at 6.00pm. The UN General Assembly defines “violence against women” as “any [...]