4th International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Sustainability – Shaping the future of Business and Society

Mar 16, 2023 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

The conference aimed  to provide an outstanding platform for researchers, academicians, scholars, practicing Managers, and Business & Industry leaders from around the globe to interact, exchange their thoughts and experiences, and present their ideas on the selected topic. The conference also intended to serve as a forum for the industry to present ongoing research and development activities relevant to the conference’s theme.

The conference outcome provided a suitable medium for sharing, exchanging, and learning about the difficulties and opportunities that have arisen/will occur in the context of accelerated Technological advancement, pressing need for heightened pace of Innovation in business and social sphere and considerable disruption of corporate models and even social structures.

The scope of the conference was expansive, encompassing impact of all frontier technologies (AI, Robotics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, VR, IOT, and Cognitive Computing), current and potential innovations in business, economic and social sphere besides ways and means to be adopted for green or eco-friendly transition.

Strategies to reshape our institutions to fit the new realities of globalisation; to address the pressing need to save the planet; harness the potential given by the current technological revolutions while navigating the perils of unpredictable growth and increased risk




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