Legal professionals return to school for acquiring management Gyan as the 3rd bath of ‘Business Management for Legal professionals’ is inaugurated at WeSchool… Lighting of the traditional lamp… Prof.Mohana Raje,Head-BMLP expresses her vision… Dr S R Tendulkar ,Dean-Admn speaks about WeSchool and blesses the new batch… [...]
Posts Tagged With 'Corporate Lawyer'
Why Indian legal professionals need to change their lenses to be able to compete in the turbulent global scenario? Prof Mohna Raje explains…
Why Indian legal professionals need to change their lenses to be able to compete in the turbulent global scenario? International business, Globalization, far flung communities coming together due to telecommunications has affected lives of all across the board. This era of commerce and industry has catapulted India into the world economy, creating a need for [...]