World IP day -IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future – Jointly organised by Legasis LLP, WeSchool, BSE, AIMS, GIS Foundation and Dartist-Talent Ventures

Apr 26, 2022 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

PREAMBLE – WORLD IP DAY 2022 – For the past two years Legasis LLP(an IPR advisory form) and WeSchool have been joining hands to Celebrate  April 26 as World Intellectual Property Day.

This year the theme of World Intellectual Property Day 2022 was “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future” to celebrate youth-led innovation and creativity. World IP Day 2022 celebrates the huge potential of young people to innovate and drive change for a better future.

The youth of today are an incredible and largely untapped source of ingenuity and creativity. Their fresh perspectives, energy, curiosity and “can do” attitude, not to mention their hunger for a better future, are already reshaping approaches and driving action for innovation and change.

The event Agenda included -IP PLEDGE by youth (both in Virtual and Physical Mode; Industry & Academia collaboration; International Panel Discussions; Keynote Address; Hackathon & Quiz

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