2nd International Conference Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period

Dec 28, 2021 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »

The conference had an agenda to get all the stake holders on a single forum to discuss the future management skills and strategies that business organizations need to embrace in order to effectively manoeuvre the turbulences caused by the pandemic.

The pandemic had a huge impact on the human race affecting all the business organisations, leading to different business sectors and economy of our country.

Technology has been one of the major factors that played a critical role during the pandemic. To a large extent, it has transformed itself and has penetrated the deeper sides of various aspects of life. The technology, in different forms, has revolutionized the way business and academics function to keep the working on during the lockdown period. It enabled people to adapt to new normal like stay indoors, work from home, doing many household chores themselves, entertainment, socializing, etc.

The uncertain future which is in front of the companies makes them think about the ways and strategies by which they need to look at how they continue to sustain and grow in the business post-pandemic period.


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