International Yoga Day 2020 #YogaFromHome

Jun 22, 2020 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

With COVID-19 keeping each one socially distant, the international Yoga was observed from home by all WeSchool teaching faculty, staff and students. The yoga mats were stretched and asanas were performed to remind us the importance of health.

The Yoga day serves us as a reminder of that preventive healthcare is important and spending half hour each day can reap lifelong health benefits. The morning virtual Yoga day connected both the young and seniors through an evergreen Indian tradition and culture ‘Yoga’.

Leading this day was our Group Director, Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe.

A special feature video by WeSchool Healthcare faculty and students is a reflection of Indian values in management education education at WeSchool. Link:

Here what they have to say – “Yoga has been an invaluable gift from India’s ancient tradition to entire mankind. On this International Yoga day, let’s adopt this holistic approach to health and well-being for a better tomorrow. #pgdmhealthcare celebrates #worldyogaday #internationalyogaday while staying safe at home. #stayhomestayfit #weschool

#worldyogaday #stayhomestayfit #mentalhealth #healthcare #pgdmhealthcare #weschool

WeFamily on Yoga Day led by Group Director, WeSchool, Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe

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