Young Achievers At NHRDN, Delhi chapter

Sep 27, 2011 | Posted by admin in Achievements, Student Achievements   1 Comment »

Another feather in the already well adorned Welingkar cap was added when Olivia D’Mello and Himanshu Kapadia secured the third place at the prestigious ‘National Best Paper Competition’ at the 7th NHRDN Young Manager’s Conference - Young Leaders: Success Code’ organized by the NHRDN, Delhi – NCR Chapter. Their presentation titled, ‘Towards Performance Excellence and through Innovation and Retention Strategy’ discussed the topic in detail and seemed to have made its mark on the audience as was obvious from the round of applause they got. What is particularly heartening is the fact that they were competing against giant corporates where the first prize went to – BPCL while Wipro & IIT got the second with Tata Communications Ltd trailing in at the fourth spot.

At the   National Quiz Competition held at the conference, the Welingkar Team stood second, once again defeating other corporate teams like Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Wipro, IIT K and Inventus.


One Response to “Young Achievers At NHRDN, Delhi chapter”

  1. Sam says:

    This is certainly some thing I must do more research into, thank you for the article.

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