Day Two Foundation Fortnight NEEV’17 Bangalore

Jul 13, 2017 | Posted by admin in Campus Corner   No Comments »


On the second day of the Foundation Fortnight, the PGDM class of 2017-19, were excited to interact with the young and dynamic Mr. Deeraj, R.P. Co-founder, Crowd Kraft, Bangalore.


Deeraj,  an engineering student in aeronautical degree, worked as a junior scientist at DRDO, Bangalore wherein he was involved in development of software for indigenous ‘Drone’. But the dream and destiny lead him to join hands with his business partner to establish Crowd Kraft – a Digital Marketing company. He started his conversation with the young enthusiastic audience on his entrepreneurial journeys which lead to success.


Deeraj, informed that he always was keen on doing something unique. He believes that sometimes perception formed in the minds of people can mislead them.


According to him, the perception of Bangalore Police in the minds of the target audience was unjust. It leads him to write and connect with Social Media Manager at Bangalore Police. He was stupefied when he received a prompt response from the Police officer, who were keen and open to ideas and suggestion which would enable them to connect with their target audience – young population of the Garden City – Bangalore.


To handle digital/social media for Bangalore Police was a unique and exciting proposition than just restricting the business of managing social media strategy for Restaurants and pubs in Bangalore.


During his interaction with Praveen Sood, Commissioner of Bangalore Police, he communicated that ‘ Offline work’ done by Bangalore Police is commendable but with changing times and trends, it is important to have a strong online presence and connect with the public community. He informed that digital media campaign for Bangalore Police has received overwhelming appreciation from public and even reported in leading national dailies such as Times of India and Electronic Media. It was a momentous occasion for the firm when BBC News reported on Crowd Kraft.


Deeraj, informed the young audience that in today’s era,  it is difficult to impress youngsters. The attention span is less and many times, the advertisements released by various entities are preposterous. It is hard task to create right content and message to capture the attention of the target audience.


He told the audience that he was bored with 9.00 am to 5.00 pm kind of routine while working at DRDO, and therefore quit the job. He was seeking to chart a new path in his career- but met with failures and dejection and encountered struggles which every entrepreneurs faces.


Deeraj also shared with the audience, his academic journey, wherein he encountered failures and but he completed his engineering degree to fulfill his father dream. The entrepreneurial journey has given his lot of wisdom and he shared his insights with the students. He advised the students that our life is short – so let not live in illusion or in dream world. He advised them to accept failures in their life journey but move ahead resolutely. Do not reflect or indulge in regret talks – strive to fulfill your dreams.


While speaking on ‘Talent’ the audience were introduced to his views on Talent which is imperative for a person or an organization to succeed. He cited an example of an employee who is exceptionally talented. But he expressed that talent without consistency will lead to failure and disappointment. If you are keen to succeed in your desired path – refrain from indulging in the habit of cribbing and excuses which leads to procrastination and failure.


Deeraj,  was of opine that talking of oneself in a while helps in understanding the inner-self better. The session was followed by Q& A. When questioned on the future of Digital Marketing, – Mr. Dheeraj responded that it will be on a trajectory path. Today, the firms are relying and leveraging on Digital strategy on a larger scale.


While speaking on Bangalore Police –which is Crowd Kraft prestigious client which has bestowed laurels and applauds – he advised the girls students in the audience to download the ‘ Suraksha’ App. If a lady/girl is in distress she can just press the button on the ‘APP’ which will send the message/signal to the Police department and inform about the location. The Suraksha app has been downloaded by 300 people till date.


Deeraj, also expressed to the audience he is a movie buff and recommended them to watch ‘ We bought a Zoo’.


The entrepreneurial journey was shared with students in a candid and humble manner which was beguiling.


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