WeWomen WeDefend …a self defence workshop at WeSchool…

Aug 07, 2014 | Posted by admin in Events & Happenings   No Comments »

Welingkar Institute of Management, Development and Research, Mumbai, organized a workshop on 26th& 27th July 2014, at the campus to teach its faculty members and students techniques of self-defence. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Shibayan Ganguly, who is 3rd Dan Black Belt of Full Contact Karate, Coordinator and Secretary of Martial Arts India and a Dancer at Rhythmosaic. Mr. ShibayanGanguly has been practicing Karate for  13 years and conducts various self-defense workshops across the world.

The workshop revolved around two things, i.e, Alertness and Mind-set. A Woman today has to be alert at all times in order to keep herself safe from the unfriendly environment and keep her mind open to the dangers that exist in our society.

His defense techniques included the use of hands, elbows (Elbow stance-Hizi) and knees (Groin Kick- Kin Geri and Knee kick- Hiza Geri) to counter attack in times of trouble. He also taught how a situation can be changed into the woman’s advantage by a little acting. He even demonstrated that by spitting and biting one can actually save their life.  Basic things which a girl always carries in her purse like a pen can actually be used as a tool to fight.

The workshop demonstrated that with alertness and smartness such situations can be averted even though a man is physically stronger than a woman !

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