Another entrepreneurial venture takes off…Dr Sajika Wagle shares her journey at WeSchool…

Jul 11, 2013 | Posted by admin in Student Achievements   No Comments »

A course which says MBA according to me is – Maximum Benefit of ALL. The PG Program in Healthcare Management at WeSchool changed my life from that of an EMPLOYEE to an ENTREPRENEUR.

Though the journey at WeSchool was challenging, I must admit that it was very exciting and interesting at each and every moment. Being a woman who was aspiring to start her own business, I was anxious but daring to go! The PG Program in Healthcare Management offered by Welingkar Institute of Management was the Game Changer for me. I enrolled for this program like any other working professional would, with curiosity as to what the learning would be and how can it align and supplement my clinical domain knowledge. I started getting my answers within the first couple of months of learning, and began drawing on my canvas of ambition. but the course in Healthcare Management really helped me – it induced in me the spirit of entrepreneurship ,guided me at every  step,  helped to start  and  also gave me  knowledge  about how to sustain and progress  on my new career path. The professional mentoring and guidance with a very systematic personalized approach was beneficial in not  just learning of the subjects but also  about sustainability and progression in life.

A course about which ‘I’ or would rather say ‘We’ hardly knew as to what it could be, and how it could change one’s life?  To share with you all, being from the medical field, we never had an opportunity to gather knowledge about the management of any business. I thought Management was not meant for doctors like us, but when I joined this course, it literally changed my overall perspective. It’s a pool of knowledge from the experts, so it’s up to you how much you can draw from it. Having worked in a small hospital, I had no idea  about  the operations of big hospitals, but here,  I got a chance to understand the functioning and intricacies of hospital management in details, which really helped me a lot and added value to my domain knowledge.

I had always thought that An MBA would mean just presentations … but trust me, these are not just presentations; but opportunities which you can grab in your student days at WeSchool. As I look back, I am indeed glad to have been the luckiest to grab these opportunities,  that  made me pause to think and got me working towards entrepreneurship which was a  dream come true. It is very easy to get a job but it is much more difficult to start your own business. According to me it’s quite easy to be an employee than to become an entrepreneur, but I would give the credit to WeSchool, particularly to Prof Dr Ragini Mohanty, Head-Healthcare and her team of dedicated faculty for steering me in the direction of entrepreneurship.

I had been working in a private hospital as a physiotherapist for the past 4 years and had always dreamt of setting up my own clinic, but somehow, never had the guts to take the decision so early in life. But my aspirations and dreams were allowed to bloom and be nurtured through the PGP HCM course, a very well structured program for working professionals. The subjects included in the syllabus, some were very boring like accounts but when I started implementing them, it appeared how appropriate a fit they are and that they all were just right for me. I got the guidance not only about starting the clinic and the confidence to ‘do it yourself ‘. I did not feel the need to engage the services of an interior designer to help me decide on my space planning, nor market  researcher / consultant to know where should I start up and how, nor an accountant to plan my budget; and there lies the beauty of this course.And today my Sparsha Clinic is all set and has already  begun to receive a steady trickle of visitors .

A big thanks to the professors who taught me here,they  are experts in their domains, and are always available to guide you in the friendliest manner. The best thing that I noticed about them was that all the professors still have the hunger to learn as they teach and mentor and are on their toes for discovering innovations. And how can I forget my classmates? Believe me, the diversity of the batch offers a lot of opportunities to learn from each other, since each of them is a professional and brings in the expertise from his or her respective profession. Also, it provides a good platform to meeting like-minded persons and form friends for life.

To sum it all, I would say that ‘We all say that we can never get the school days back and they are the best days, the true days (the best knowledge, best teachers, best friends); but I would say that I got to enjoy my school days  once again. A B school is B school, but here at WeSchool, one is moulded to become one’s own creator and craftsman of the professional and personal life ahead.

So friends, welcome to WeSchool and all the best wishes … enjoy this course and the warmth of WeSchool and its people!!! Once here, there are no regrets and no looking back!

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